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We support work across three main focus areas--Vulnerable Groups, Governance and Nutrition. We have identified certain themes under each focus area and pursue different approaches (roles) to grant making across these focus areas and themes.

We make grants to partners whose work, we believe, adds intrinsic value to vulnerable individuals, communities or groups. In terms of our role, we are funders of what we call Value in itself grants.

We also offer our expertise to build on grant partners’ inherent strengths so they are able to scale their work with vulnerable groups and reach out significantly more people. In this Scale-up approach of grant making, we play the role of Enabler.

We also take on the role of Orchestrator, when we focus on system change and long-term impact. In this case, we develop our strategy for an identified theme within a focus area. Then we support Special Initiatives that will synergistically bring together a number of partners and the government to achieve a particular change within a given sector.

Through our Vulnerable Groups focus area, our approach has been primarily as a funder and enabler. Through our Governance and Nutrition focus areas, we play the role of orchestrator, where we aim to bring about far reaching reform within the sectors concerned. Here too, we have our own strategy for each theme. And we support partners who share our goals.

Amar Seva Sangam, Tirunelveli

Amar Seva Sangam is scaling-up Early Intervention Therapy Model to support 512 children in 4 blocks; One-time screening of 22,500 children by providing comprehensive rehabilitation services at their institution and in the community, and advocacy.

Association for Rural and Urban Needy (ARUN), Hyderabad

ARUN is providing safe shelters, education, nutrition, healthcare and a sensitised community environment as well as vocational training for 625 street children in seven Homes, co-located in Government schools in Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Patna.

Butterflies India, New Delhi (direct work by Butterflies) and 4 cities – Jaipur, Muzaffarpur, Mumbai and Bhubaneswar (through 6 partners

Butterflies India began in 1989, they follow a strong children’s participation approach focusing on needs of the vulnerable children and allowing children to define their own priorities and concerns. The Philanthropy grant will allow them to train 4800 street connected children (aged 8 to 18 years) in financial management, life skills, community and individual health-responses through 50 child-led cooperatives.

Childline India Foundation (CIF), Mumbai

CIF and outreach partners at 20 railway stations across India, is providing 24x7 care and protection for runaway children. This is through child help desks, open shelters, de-addiction support, counselling, referral to long-term care homes and reunification with families. The focus is also to enhance resource mobilisation and organisational development.

Headstreams, Bangalore

Headstreams was set up in 2008, the organization works towards helping children from marginalized socio-economic backgrounds to realize their inherent potential to live a positive, confident, purposeful and socially productive life. The grant will enable continuation of their existing work of setting up and facilitating play & learning spaces in government boys observation home and expansion to the girls observation home.

Make a Difference (MAD), Bengaluru

MAD is providing mental, emotional, psychological support, mentorship, counselling and guidance at critical life stages, for 4,200 children living in 80 shelter homes across 23 cities, so that they become productive and useful members of the society.  

Railway Children India, Delhi

Railway Children India and Station-level providers at 20 railway stations across India are catering to runaway children. The aim is standardised care and protection through open shelters, 24x7 outreach, de-addiction support, child help desks and reunification of children with families. The focus is also on building a financially sustainable organisation with staff capable of scaling up the work.  

Railway Children India, Tamilnadu

Railway Children India is reaching out to 4200 children as soon as they arrive on a railway platform & intervening before an abuser can victimize them. The programme features activation of child-protection schemes through drop-in Centres which is meeting-up immediate care & protection needs of children, providing family reunification or referral to the respective institutions and preventing unsafe out-migration of vulnerable children.

Rainbow Foundation India (RFI), Hyderabad

Rainbow Foundation India is ensuring a safe childhoods for vulnerable street children in Bangalore, Patna, Chennai, Lucknow, Ranchi, Kolkata, Delhi, and Hyderabad by providing long term comprehensive care including education, healthcare, nutrition, and protection by partnering with various government agencies and departments, and engaging with parents to make them aware of how to care for children. They are also conducting training sessions for staff, setting up advisory councils with external experts, and creating city level forums to improve access to children’s rights.

Salaam Baalak Trust, Delhi

Salaam Baalak Trust is running four full-time residential homes, two open centres and three contact points to 600 street and working children in Delhi and the National Capital Region, where the focus is on care, protection and on discovering the hidden talents of the children. The trust also collaborates with Civil Society Organisations and the Government.  

SATHI (Society for Assistance to Children in Difficult Situation), Bangalore

SATHI is rescuing runaway and separated children discovered at railway stations and providing de-addiction and rehabilitation support including access to welfare schemes, and family reunification services. The NGO is increasing its outreach to 8100 children at Pune, Katni, and Kanpur railway stations who will be weaned off substance abuse, restored to their families and given post-restoration support through organized camps.

Society for Promotion of Youth and Masses (SPYM), New Delhi

SPYM is rescuing and rehabilitating at least 6000 children and youth in Delhi, and NCR addicted to drugs through de-addiction services, educational support, and by sheltering them in halfway houses with separate sections for boys and girls. The NGO monitors them for withdrawal symptoms and relapses and assists them for reintegration into society.

Sparsha Trust, Urban and rural districts of Bangalore

Sparsha Trust was set up in 2005 with a vision to free children from exploitation, and provide access to opportunities that ensure their comprehensive development. The Philanthropy's support will provide rescue services for 655 children and food, clothing, shelter, health care and recreational facilities for 135 children through long-term residential homes.


SUPPORT is offering long-term rehabilitation-education, detoxification programmes, residential, nutritional, medical and psychiatric care to 150 street children in Mumbai who have been substance abusers. It gives them the opportunity to grow into healthy adults.  

Tomorrow's Foundation Kolkata, Slums of Kolkata - Dhapa, Auddy Bagan and Ward 80

Tomorow's Foundation was established in 1997, they work primarily with children and youth in the field of Education, Child protection, Disabilities, Skills and livelihood in West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai. The grant will help them to continue working with 1200 children on education, vocational skills, adolescent empowerment through 2 existing centres and set up one new centre within high risk communities.