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We support work across three main focus areas--Vulnerable Groups, Governance and Nutrition. We have identified certain themes under each focus area and pursue different approaches (roles) to grant making across these focus areas and themes.

We make grants to partners whose work, we believe, adds intrinsic value to vulnerable individuals, communities or groups. In terms of our role, we are funders of what we call Value in itself grants.

We also offer our expertise to build on grant partners’ inherent strengths so they are able to scale their work with vulnerable groups and reach out significantly more people. In this Scale-up approach of grant making, we play the role of Enabler.

We also take on the role of Orchestrator, when we focus on system change and long-term impact. In this case, we develop our strategy for an identified theme within a focus area. Then we support Special Initiatives that will synergistically bring together a number of partners and the government to achieve a particular change within a given sector.

Through our Vulnerable Groups focus area, our approach has been primarily as a funder and enabler. Through our Governance and Nutrition focus areas, we play the role of orchestrator, where we aim to bring about far reaching reform within the sectors concerned. Here too, we have our own strategy for each theme. And we support partners who share our goals.

Aajeevika Bureau, Ahmedabad and Rajasthan

Aajeevika Bureau was Established in 2006, Aajeevika Bureau works on addressing vulnerabilities associated with the lives of migrant workers. They do so by building an ecosystem & addressing various gaps at Source and Destination to ascertain labour rights, safe migration, secure and dignified work places.

Aashray Adhikar Abhiyan, Delhi

Aashray Adhikar Abhiyan - Established in 2001, they provide rescue, repatriation and reintegration support for homeless people. They provides specialized support to mentally ill people and homeless suffering from substance abuse. Through the grant, they will provide dedicated care and support to 20,000 homeless people.

Aashray Adhikar Abhiyan (AAA), Delhi

Aashray Adhikar Abhiyan is empowering the poor and homeless by providing health, education, shelter, and emergency relief services in Delhi with the help of trained volunteers. The NGO is also implementing therapy and rapport building sessions at recovery and rehabilitation centres and tracing families or other relatives to attempt a reconnect with the homeless person in question.

Aawaaz-e-Niswaan, MUMBAI

Awaaz-e-Niswaan is providing psychological counselling and legal aid to predominantly Muslim women victims of domestic violence in Mumbai and Thane. The NGO is also building a cadre of paralegal workers made up of survivors, and organising training sessions on women’s issues, and raising the levels of engagement with the larger ecosystem comprising informal religious groups, the press, and clergy thereby strengthening the rights of Muslim women.

Accion Fraterna Ecology Centre, Anantapuramu

Accion Fraterna is training 3,000 master farmers in Anantapuramu district of AP in natural farming, demonstrates drought mitigation strategies in three agro-climatic clusters and builds self-reliant farmers' institutions.

Action India, Delhi

Action India is providing safe spaces for women in Delhi through counselling, free legal aid, and rehabilitation of survivors of domestic violence through seven “Mahila Panchayats,” or women community courts. They are scaling the impact by educating the survivors about their rights and increase their legal knowledge to access more benefits as stipulated by the law, which enables to build confidence to tell their stories.

ACWADAM, Maharashtra

ACWADAM was established in 1999, to create capacity building programs for civil society and policy makers on hydrogeology- the science of groundwater and aquifer-based groundwater management. Our grant will help ACWADAM continue its work in the area of capcity building for various organizations and institutions (CBOs, NGOs, academic and government institutions). The grant aims to work across in 3 or 4 regions such as the Himalayan region, alluvial flood plains, hard-rock aquifers in eastern India and peninsular south India.

ACWADAM (Advanced Centre for Water Resources Development and Management), Pune

ACWADAM is active across India piloting projects in aquifer-based groundwater management, documenting and sharing knowledge, in order to inform policy as well as bring about greater participation from the community stakeholders.

Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (AKRSP), Ahmedabad

AKRSP is shoring up the economic independence of 15,000 Adivasi farmer households in five districts of Madhya Pradesh, setting up women’s self-help groups, boosting community-based institutions, and promoting sustainable agriculture through water and land resource development.

Akshaya HELP Trust, MADURAI

Akshaya HELP Trust is rescuing and supporting homeless and mentally or physically ill destitute people in Madurai by providing intensive care, vocational training, and placing them in shelter homes that have all basic necessities. The NGO is now expanding and reaching 500 homeless people and equipping them with life-skills, striving for reunification with families, and ensuring a dignified passing for them.

Amar Seva Sangam, Tirunelveli

Amar Seva Sangam is scaling-up Early Intervention Therapy Model to support 512 children in 4 blocks; One-time screening of 22,500 children by providing comprehensive rehabilitation services at their institution and in the community, and advocacy.

ANANDI - Area Networking and Development Initiatives, Ahmedabad

ANANDI is organizing poor Adivasi women in Panchmahal, Dahod, Bhavnagar and Morbi districts of Gujarat into women Sangathans. ANANDI helps the Sangathans to demand their rights, services and livelihood opportunities, and trains women leaders to participate in Panchayati Raj Institutions and other decision-making bodies.

ANANDI - Area Networking and Development Initiatives, Ahmedabad

Anandi is mobilizing youth, women and marginalized communities to build women’s leadership and representation, strengthen Governance Systems of Panchayati Raj Institutions, strengthen implementation of Panchayat Extension to Scheduled Areas (PESA) Act, 1996 through engagement with 4 resource and technical  agencies for budget tracking, knowledge management, capacity-building of  community collectives and Panchayati Raj Representatives.

Andhra Pradesh Scheduled Tribes Cooperative Finance Corporation Limited (TRICOR), Andhra Pradesh

TRICOR is a government initiative that is uplifting the tribal population economically and socially in all 13 districts of Andhra Pradesh through various development schemes. Targeting Scheduled Tribes (STs) and Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGs) the schemes focus on creating employment opportunities, and improving access to health facilities, and education.

Anjali, 4 districts of West bengal

Anjali was founded in 2001 in West Bengal to rehabilitate and re-integrate individuals who have recovered from mental illness with their families by establishing a programme in government mental hospitals called Voices. They also have a community-based mental health service named Janamanas that supports individuals with mental illness, and promotes awareness on the importance of mental wellbeing to prevent severe disorders. The grant will support the Voices programme in Berhampore Mental Hospital, Murshidabad District and set up the Janamanas programme in 20 wards of Purulia district.

Anusandhan Trust (CEHAT), Mumbai

Anusandhan Trust’s Centre for Enquiry Into Health and Allied Themes (CEHAT) is enabling a deeper response from the health sector towards female victims of violence by providing crisis intervention and building evidence-based cases to help survivors. The NGO is strengthening crisis support services across seven states through on-site training, and engagement with the government to develop structured protocols.

Apna Ghar, Bharatpur, Rajastan and Hathras in uttar pradesh

Apna Ghar started in 2000 in Bharatpur, Rajasthan. Today, it has 29 ashrams (homes) and it works with extremely ill, abandoned, homeless persons and animals/birds. The Philanthropy grant will allow them to rescue over 1000 such persons from the streets, and provide shelter, treatment, medical care, food, and clothing for 3,972 individuals, animals, and birds through 6 shelter homes.

Arpan, Mumbai

Arpan is conducting personal safety education workshops and enabling adolescent boys and girls with tools to address and prevent child sexual abuse--across public and private schools in Mumbai. The NGO also provides psychotherapeutic services for rescued minor girls in institutions.

Ashoka Innovators for the Public, Bengaluru

Ashoka Innovators is catalysing change across India by electing six leading social changemakers as Ashoka Fellows, strengthening their knowledge and skills, so that they, in turn, create more changemakers through workshops, fellowships and strategic partnerships.

Association for Advocacy and Legal Initiatives (AALI), Lucknow

Association for Advocacy and Legal Initiatives is working in 5 districts of Jharkhand and 10 districts of Uttar Pradesh to ensure that 900 survivors of violence, especially Dalit and Muslim women, get justice, social and legal support. The programme also does advocacy with the State Women, SC/ST and Human Rights Commission for implementation of the relevant Act.

Association for Democratic Reforms (ADF), Pan-India

ADF is working to ensure good governance (transparency and accountability) in the functioning of elected representatives and political parties, by recruiting trained data analysts/researchers to collate and disseminate the database at state centres of the National Election Watch. Active across India, especially in the 18 states where Assembly, Urban Local Body and Panchayat elections are due.  

Association for Promoting Social Action (APSA), Bangalore

APSA is empowering 170 adolescent girls rescued from difficult circumstances by providing support and rehabilitation in two shelter homes. They are being given vocational training, career counselling, training in self-defence techniques, legal support, and eventually placed in jobs, enabling them to begin a new life. Separate workshops and training programmes are being organized for the parents of these girls to increase awareness about girl child trafficking, and laws that protect women.

Association for Rural and Urban Needy (ARUN), Hyderabad

ARUN is providing safe shelters, education, nutrition, healthcare and a sensitised community environment as well as vocational training for 625 street children in seven Homes, co-located in Government schools in Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad and Patna.

Astha, Delhi

Astha was Established in 1993, Astha provides rehabilitation services to children with disabilities - Cerebral Palsy,  Autism Spectrum Disorder, Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disability, vision and hearing impairment in urban slums and resettlement colonies of Delhi. The grant will help them work with 75 children with disabilities to strength their program (to include children below 8 years) and expand their reach to 4 new areas in Okhla to provide holistic early intervention services, as well as, build the capacities of parents/care givers to enable their children to enhance their development.

Astha Sansthan, Udaipur

Astha is enabling Adivasi, Dalit and single women, from 56,035 households in Rajasthan’s Dungarpur district, to participate in gram panchayat and gram sabha schemes for village development, service delivery, budget-tracking, accountability and auditing. The NGO is also managing two partners NGOs i.e. SRUTI and PEACE.

Banni Pashu Uchherak Maldhari Sangathan (BPUMS), Kachchh district, Gujarat

Banni Pashu Uchherak Maldhari Sangathan (BPUMS) is a community based organization of semi-nomadic animal breeders known as Maldharis who rear buffalo, cow, sheep and goat. The CBO has started negotiating with states on the pastoral rights and rights of grazing in Banni grassland under Forest Rights Act. Through the grant, they will bring Banni grasslands under the governance of the Maldhari pastoralists by getting the title to Community Forest rights and strengthen Community Forest Management Committees across 16 Gram Panchayats by providing them training on Forest Rights Act implementation and exposure visits.

Bapu Trust for Research on Mind & Discourse, Pune

Bapu Trust is working on the early identification and prevention of mental disabilities in the slums of Pune by providing support to people perceived as vulnerable at their centre where various aspects like social stigma, poverty, discrimination, and gender among other issues are addressed through therapy and community-based wellness services.

Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayatha Samithi, Jaipur

Bhagwan Mahaveer Viklang Sahayatha Samithi is providing 10,000  artificial limbs, 4000 callipers, 4200 crutches, 2600 tricycles, 14,000  wheelchairs & 7250 hearing aids for 29450 persons through its 22  centres and numerous mobile camps across the country.

Bhoomika Vihar, Katihar and Araria districts, North East Bihar

Bhoomika Vihar was established in 1995 with the objective of empowering the marginalised, particularly women and girls at risk of forced or early marriage, with education and skill development, which would expand their socioeconomic opportunities. The grant would help them facilitate the rehabilitation of survivors through their centres.

Bhumika Women’s Collective, Hyderabad

Bhumika is providing the support system to 3,000 survivors of domestic violence and their families in AP, through counselling, legal guidance and referral to services. It is working to make communities more aware and sensitises the authorities so they are more responsive to such issues.

Biswa Gauri Charitable Trust, Bangalore

The Biswa Gauri Charitable Trust was set up in 2009 to work with children and young adults with autism. They have created a structured learning environment in Bubbles and Pragati Centres to enable children with intellectual and developmental disabilities to build social and communication skills that will help them blend into society. The grant will enable them to offer continued learning and employment-readiness training to 45 persons aged 16 years and above with disabilities in the Pragati centre.

Breakthrough, New Delhi

Breakthrough is changing the lives of over 5.9 lakh adolescent girls through life-skills training programmes in schools and communities in 14 districts across Bihar, Jharkhand, Delhi NCR, Haryana, and Uttar Pradesh.

Butterflies India, New Delhi (direct work by Butterflies) and 4 cities – Jaipur, Muzaffarpur, Mumbai and Bhubaneswar (through 6 partners

Butterflies India began in 1989, they follow a strong children’s participation approach focusing on needs of the vulnerable children and allowing children to define their own priorities and concerns. The Philanthropy grant will allow them to train 4800 street connected children (aged 8 to 18 years) in financial management, life skills, community and individual health-responses through 50 child-led cooperatives.

Central Himalayan Rural Action Group (CHIRAG), Uttarakhand

The Central Himalayan Rural Action Group (CHIRAG) CHIRAG seeks to improve the quality of life and facilitate the movement towards self-reliance of local communities, particularly women and the poor. To achieve this goal CHIRAG works closely with local communities utilising community based strategies for the sustainable and equitable. CHIRAG, over the past 30 years, has demonstrated and implemented effective strategies to address rural needs in health, natural resource management, education and livelihoods. Since 2008, CHIRAG has built on its experience and knowledge in hydrogeology and has been a pioneering institution in demystifying science and building successful citizen science based, community managed resources for the sustainable recharge and rejuvenation of Himalayan springs. The CHIRAG team’s expertise is reflected in consistent improvement in spring discharge, water quality, sustained local community management and governance level policy sup.

Centre for Advocacy and Research (CFAR), New Delhi

The Centre for Advocacy and Research is working with community-based organisations, minority groups, and partnering with urban local bodies to strengthen social inclusion in Ajmer, Bhubaneshwar, Pune, and Bangalore. The NGO is boosting social development programmes that improve the health, welfare, and livelihoods of youths, women, and children.

Centre for Catalyzing Change (C3), New Delhi

Centre for Catalyzing Change is promoting the overall development of adolescent girls in Jharkhand, Bihar, Delhi, Chattisgarh, Odisha, and the North East by training their teachers to impart age appropriate life-skills, which are incorporated into regular classes.

Centre for Collective Development (CCD), Bengaluru

CCD is scaling up the work with 60 cooperatives covering 3,222 farmers in Anantapur district, AP, giving them management and technical training, supply inputs, exploring new markets, crop assessment surveys, providing storage facilities for “pool and sell”, and enhancing their savings and working capital.  

Centre for Equity Studies, (CES), Delhi

CES is working in Delhi, Telangana (Hyderabad), Bihar (Patna) and Rajasthan (Jaipur) providing medical/convalescence support, nutrition and counselling through eight recovery shelters catering to 3,200 homeless men and women. The NGO is also helping 15,000 homeless persons in accessing citizenship rights, social security and bank accounts.  

Centre for Labour Research and Action, Gujarat and Rajasthan

The Centre for Labour Research and Action was formed in 2010 to promote the labour rights of informal sector workers, primarily from brick kiln, construction, agriculture and cotton ginning sectors in Rajasthan and Gujarat. Our support is towards ensuring safe migration and safety net for 12,000 seasonal migrant families through proper implementation of labour laws and accessing social security entitlements.

Centre for Sustainable Agriculture, Hyderabad

Centre for Sustainable Agriculture is building up a cadre of 5,000 master farmers in natural farming, develop standards for farmer certification and create innovation hubs of best farming practices. The aim is also to improve market access and prices for farmer institutions--across Kadapa, Anantapuramu and Vizianagaram districts of AP.

Chaupal, 80 village from Surguja and Koriyaa disticts of Chhattisgarh

Chaupal works with Adivasi communities with focus on a) access to rights and entitlements; b) right to equality & dignity; and c) Adivasi People's rights over natural resources. They also lead state level campaigns on right to food, work and health. Through the grant, they will promote effective participation of Adivasi communities in local governance mechanisms, access to rights and entitlements (health, food, forests, work, etc.) and strengthen grievance redressal mechanisms.

Childline India Foundation (CIF), Mumbai

CIF and outreach partners at 20 railway stations across India, is providing 24x7 care and protection for runaway children. This is through child help desks, open shelters, de-addiction support, counselling, referral to long-term care homes and reunification with families. The focus is also to enhance resource mobilisation and organisational development.

Christian Hospital Bissamcuttack, Rayagada, Odisha

Christian Hospital Bissamcuttack started in 1966 as a 200 bed hospital to provide community-based healthcare interventions in Rayagada District of Odisha. They provide quality health services at affordable costs to the tribal communities of the region. The Philanthropy grant will allow them to continue providing primary healthcare and education to vulnerable tribal communities and empower them through mobilisation, capacity building, and increasing access to education in 54 tribal villages.

Cohesion and Working Group for Women and Land Ownership (WGWLO), Ahmedabad

WGWLO is helping 5,000 women farmers in 12 districts of Gujarat to generate more income, become aware of land rights, training them as leaders to service Land Legal Literacy Centres, linking their organisations to Government structures for land ownership and promoting digital literacy so that they take up sustainable agriculture.

CORO for Literacy, Mumbai

CORO is working on empowering 8,000 households in five rural districts and two wards of Mumbai, Maharashtra, to break the culture of silence surrounding domestic violence through building-up the community leadership, shoring up women groups, and offering crisis intervention.

CREA, New Delhi

CREA is empowering adolescent girls to take informed decisions by teaching them about sexual and reproductive health and their rights through the medium of sports in Bihar, Jharkhand, and Uttar Pradesh. CREA is expanding its reach now to include more adolescent girls and working to strengthen their knowledge and understanding about gender, education, and health, enabling them to lead better quality lives. They are also intensifying their engagement in schools and grooming the girls from the previous batches into role models and leaders.

Department of Women and Child Development, Government of Odisha, Bhubaneswar

The Government of Odisha’s Department of Women and Child Development is improving mother and infant nutrition by providing financial support to pregnant and lactating women, which also enables access to better health services.

Development Support Centre (DSC), Ahmedabad

DSC is enhancing the livelihoods and incomes of 4,500 Adivasi farm households in Gujarat’s Aravalli district. There will be cropping practices for better soil health, improved agricultural productivity, enterprise development and strengthening of farmer producer organisations.  

Disha Foundation, Nasik and Panaji

The Disha Foundation was founded in 2002 to improve health, financial, and legal aid services to ensure the safe migration of migrant workers in Nashik. They also work as a technical resource agency for Central and State governments on migration programmes and policies. Through our grant they will reach over 24,000 migrant workers by a) Continuing their work in the city and 2 rural blocks of Nashikb) Expanding their work to Goa and working with fishermen and construction workers from Odisha c) Providing technical resource support to the government of Odisha's migrant workers support programme.

Dream India Network, Bangalore

Dream India Network started working in 2011 with children, and the elderly and homeless by building a strong network of institutions/individuals for social transformation in urban and rural districts in Bengaluru. Through the grant, Dream India Network will work with the Homeless NGO network (Impact India Consortium) to ensure good quality services in existing and upcoming shelters, liaison with the City Municipal Corporation (BBMP) for allocating newer shelters and create awareness on the condition of the homeless in the city. Additionally, they will also be able to refer homeless persons from the streets to appropriate institutions/services.

Educate Girls (Foundation to Educate Girls Globally), Mumbai

Educate Girls is working with public school systems, communities, and parents in villages and ensuring that all girl children in a given village are enrolled and retained in schools. They are spreading more awareness and building up engagement to provide educational support and infrastructure for girl students thereby strengthening their life skills.

Ekal Naari Shakti Sanghatan, Rajasthan

Ekal Naari Shakti Sanghatan (ENSS) was Founded in 1999, ENSS - Rajasthan is a CBO of single women in Rajasthan with over 67,000 members. They work on access to rights & entitlements, safeguarding property rights and prevention of violence. With our support, they aim to: - a) Increase membership from from 67,000 to 87,000 & expand from 415 to 800 Gram Panchayats; b) Support 25,000 single women access rights & entitlements like pension, childcare, employment guarantee etc.  totaling to over 65 Cr.; and c) provide support in 500 cases of violence and 250 cases of land & property disputes.

Empowerment for Rehabilitation Academic and Health (EFRAH), Delhi

EFRAH is empowering 1,460 poor Muslim adolescent girls in Batla House and Shaheen Bagh of Delhi through skill development, motivating them to complete higher secondary education, take up vocational training/placement and join peer groups to address gender violence and child marriage. Also enlists community/parent support to safeguard the girls’ rights and organise health camps.

EnAble India, Bengaluru

EnAble India is building a virtual platform or website to impart economic independence, training modules and organisational development for persons with disabilities, their families and prospective employers. It will also serve as a platform for other NGOs.

Equal Community Foundation, Pune

The Equal Community Foundation (ECF) was established in 2009 with the aim of developing gender equitable attitudes and behaviours among adolescent boys, aged 13-17 years, to end violence against girls and women through human rights-based programmes. The grant will support their endeavours to reach out to adolescent boys, and provide leadership, peer group support and knowledge and skills to publicly advocate and defend their position on gender equality. It will also help enable participants to change their own behaviour towards women and call out other men on abusive behaviour.

Foundation for Ecological Security (FES), Anand

FES is empowering and enabling women, youth, marginalised and vulnerable communities, strengthen community participation and boost women’s leadership--across Odisha, Rajasthan and Karnataka. The aim is to create more inclusive and representative Panchayati Raj Institutions, village development and habitation-level village institutions.  

Foundation for Education and Development, Jodhpur and Ajmer District

Foundation for Education and Development was established in 2000 and works to promote empowering adolescents and women, and promoting their rights, education and health. The grant will help them reach an estimated 2715 girls and 375 boys aged between 11 and 20 years through residential and non-residential camps.

Gandhi Manav Kalyan Society (GMKS), Jhadol and Gogunda blocks, Udaipur, Rajasthan

Gandhi Manav Kalyan Society (GMKS) was established in 1986, Gandhi Manav Kalyan Society works in tribal areas of Udaipur and Dungarpur districts of Rajasthan to promote sustainable livelihoods, people's participation in local self governance, and women and child development. They work across Jangal (forests), Jameen (land), Jal (water), Janwar (animal), and Jan (people) to improve the lives of tribal populations in the region. Through our grant, they will reach 6000 tribal people by strengthening Bhomat Vikas Manch - a community institution that collectively addresses issues faced by its members, and ensuring benefits from various social security schemes and scholarships.

Gram Arogya Ghati, Maharashtra

Gram Arogya Ghati  is a small organisation working with Adivasi communities in the Kurkheda and Armori blocks of Gadchiroli, Maharashtra. Their work addressed livelihood and rights of forest-dependent communities, and they have assisted Gram Sabhas in recognition of the rights under FRA and development of their community forest rights management plans. Our support will help facilitating the implementation of the plans, through convergence with line departments and capacity building of Gram Sabhas.

Grameen Vikas Sansthan (GVS), Mau

GVS is sensitising the community and changing the negative attitudes towards education and delay age of marriage among 5,000 adolescent girls through girls groups led by trained peer educators, life and livelihood skills and by collaborating with the Government to ensure the basic health, nutrition and education services, in Ghazipur district, Ratnapur block of Uttar Pradesh.  

Grameena Koolikaarmikara Sanghatane (GRAKOOS), 90 blocks of Karnataka

Grameena Koolikaarmikara Sanghatane (GRAKOOS) is a community based organisation of agriculture workers with a membership of over 35,000 households. Their key focus areas are effective implementation of NREGA, Access to social welfare schemes and entitlements, greater participation in local governance mechanisms and addressing women's rights issues. The grant will support GRAKOOS to expand its coverage from 40 blocks to 90 blocks and increase its membership to 1,50,000 households in 5 years.

Gramin Samassya Mukti Trust, Ghatanji Block, Yavatmal District, Maharashtra.

The Gramin Samassya Mukti Trust was Established in 1991 they works with  Kolam PVTG(Particularly vulnerable Tribal Group) and other tribes like Gond,Pardhi in Yavatmal and Chandrapur District of Maharashtra which also overlap with socioeconomically backward schedule V area . They have been working with the district administration with a focus to build capacities(managerial, thematic and financial skills) of Gramsabhas in preparing and executing  their participatory conservation and management plan and have  demonstrated the economic and ecological  benefits of this in 10 villages. Our support will help them scale their work to 20 new villages.

Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS), Jaisalmer and Barmer District Rajasthan

Gramin Vikas Vigyan Samiti (GRAVIS) was founded in 1983 to improve agriculture and animal husbandry, water security, education and health among small and marginal farmer communities in the Thar Desert in Rajasthan, Uttarakhand, and Bundelkhand regions. Through the Philanthropy grant, they will promote rain-fed and drought-resistant farming by working with 1,000 small and marginal farmer households across 40 villages.

Gramya Vikash Mancha, Nalbari, Baksa abnd Kamrup

Gramya Vikash Mancha will work with 7500 girls across 4 districts of Assam on health and education rights. 100 of 150 out of school girls will be mainstreamed through Knowledge Connectivity Camps and Learning Centers. 60% of 7500 girls will have desired level of hemoglobin and Body Mass Index; Approximately, 50% of 360 girls who are trained in economic rehabilitation will have steady income.

Green Dot Trust, Mysore

Green Dot Trust started in 2008 by working with the rural and urban poor in Mysore, Mandya, Kodagu and Chamarajanagar districts in the areas of health, education, women empowerment, and community development. Through the grant, they would be able to support the expenses for increasing the capacity of transit care home facilities from 15 to 20. These homes provide shelter for mentally ill homeless men rescued from the streets of Mysore. Over 3 years, they will provide shelter, food, care, treatment for 120 such individuals and reintegrate over 90 of them with their families.

Guria Swayam Sevi Sansthan, Varanasi

Guria is working in Varanasi and Mau Districts on providing educational support to 270 adolescent girls, witness protection to 90 survivors of trafficking and rape, and vocational training to 75 girls hailing from red light areas. There will also be counselling, training, legal aid and relocation to safe houses.  

HAQ, New Delhi

HAQ is providing legal aid, counselling, and rehabilitation to 300 adolescent female victims of sexual offences. They are developing an ecosystem that incorporates judges, lawyers, institutional caregivers and other relevant facilitators who can effectively provide support, enhance the welfare of the victims, and enable them to have more access to justice and restorative care systems.

Hasiru Dala, Bangalore

Hasiru Dala was founded in 2011, they work with waste pickers to provide access to their rights and entitlements, skill development and education for their children. The Philanthropy grant will allow them to facilitate social entitlements and access to need-based skill training to 800 waste pickers and their families, create a safe and nurturing community space for their children and enhance livelihood opportunities for identified bone pickers and hair pickers. Geography: Chamarajanagara, Tumakuru and Chikkaballapura districts of Karnataka.

HDRC, 14 Talukas in 7 Districts of Gujarat

Human Development and Research Centre (HDRC) was Established in 1977, HDRC is a secular, non-denominational, voluntary organization working to empower marginalized communities for social change by facilitating people’s movements, conducting educational programs and taking up advocacy and campaigns to demand for rights and entitlements. Our support will help to strengthen governance through social inclusion, social justice and empowerment of 10,000 marginalised households by creating 280 village collectives, building 1120 village leaders and developing 14 Taluka level associations, to demand for their rights and entitlements, access justice and to enable them to participate decisively in local governance. Geography : 7 districts of Gujarat.

Headstreams, Bangalore

Headstreams was set up in 2008, the organization works towards helping children from marginalized socio-economic backgrounds to realize their inherent potential to live a positive, confident, purposeful and socially productive life. The grant will enable continuation of their existing work of setting up and facilitating play & learning spaces in government boys observation home and expansion to the girls observation home.

Helen Keller Institue for Deaf and Blind, Mumbai

Helen Keller Institue for Deaf and Blind - Early Education, Training and Rehabilitation of 60 children with Deaf blindness or Multiple Disabilities with Visual Impairment (MDVI) at Helen Keller Institute for Deaf and Deafblind, Navi Mumbai.  

Human People to People India, (Humana India), Delhi

Humana India is helping 15,000 homeless people in East and Northeast Delhi, by providing better shelters, improving existing ones, and enabling access to entitlements and social welfare schemes so that they can rejoin society. It is piloting a model Homeless Resource and Service Centre that can be replicated in cities with a large homeless population.

Humanity Welfare Organisation Helpline, Anantnag, J&K

HWOH is supporting and rehabilitating children with disabilities in four districts in Jammu and Kashmir by providing education using Braille, sign language, and other techniques as per the need of the child. The NGO is also facilitating home-based therapy by training parents and other care providers, and conducting annual awareness programmes that bring together disabled and non-disabled children to promote better understanding.

Independent Public-Spirited Media Foundation (IPSMF), Bengaluru

IPSMF is promoting excellence in independent and public-spirited media by funding media organisations and activities (campaigns), across India that further this objective.

INREM Foundation, Jhabua & Ali Rajpur, Madhya Pradesh

India Natural Resource Economics and Management (INREM) Foundation was established in 1994, the organisation works towards addressing fluoride contamination that causes severe dental and skeletal fluorosis. Through an effective combination of ensuring consumption of fluoride free safe water and improved nutrition it aims to significantly improve the quality of life for affected children, pregnant & lactating women and adults. In addition to directly implementing in affected parts of Jhabua district the organisation leads a nation-wide network on Fluoride Action & Knowledge that furthers a convergence approach between key departments & CSO’s through district level water quality platforms to mainstream the interventions.

Institute for Handicapped and Backward People, Sub-urban Kolkata and North 24 Paraganas district in West Bengal

The Institute for Handicapped and Backward People (IHBP) was set up in 2000 to serve people with disabilities through a centre-based service delivery and community-based rehabilitation system. The grant will help them work towards providing education, early intervention, and rehabilitation services for 100 children with disabilities from low income communities.

Institute of Health Management Pachod (IHMP), Pune

IHMP is empowering unmarried adolescent girls in 53 villages in Jalna, Maharashtra, through life education programmes and awareness sessions for parents that are aimed at increasing formal school education and delaying the age of marriage. The NGO is also organizing programmes for young married women that include information on sexual and reproductive health, awareness about gender issues, health counselling, and community-based monitoring.

Iswar Sankalpa, Kolkata

Iswar Sankalpa is helping 150 urban homeless women in Kolkata with psychosocial disabilities to be functional members of the society, through care and rehabilitation, skills for productive living, and by facilitating community care as well as family-reunification.

Jabala Action Research Organisation, West Bengal

Jabala was established in 1992 and have been working with vulnerable children and adolescents to develop their confidence enabling them to claim their rights. The grant support will help them expand their work in preventing all forms of exploitation and trafficking in 7 districts in West Bengal and empower 800 adolescents in 6 GPs across 2 blocks in Murshidabad district.

Jagori Rural Charitable Trust (JRCT), Dharamshala

JRCT is engaging with 2,850 adolescent girls and 1,225 adolescent boys across 70 villages in Chamba and Kangra districts of Himachal Pradesh to address all forms of discrimination against girls, and to increase girls’ participation in sports and in decision-making that concerns their health, education and mobility.

Jagrutha Mahila Sanghatane (JMS), Potnal, Raichur

JMS is economically empowering women, reducing caste and gender violence, and increasing access to health, education, and work opportunities chiefly by organising social enterprises that include terracotta jewellery making, bio-compost manufacturing, sheep rearing facilities, and neem fertiliser production units.

Jan Sahas (Jan Sahas Social Development Society), Dewas

Jan Sahas is addressing issues of rape survivors and preventing violence and discrimination against adolescent girls in 15 districts of Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan, and Maharashtra by mobilizing state and social workers and providing legal recourse. Jan Sahas is expanding its reach to include 4500 new cases of rape and sexual violence, provide basic necessities to victims and empowering them with social, psychological, and legal services.

Jattu Trust, Vizianagaram

Jattu Trust is building-up a cadre of 3,500 master farmers in AP’s Vizianagaram district and develops strong farmer’s institutions to facilitate sustainable livelihoods. The programme is backed up by the campaigns and communication material on natural farming.

Justice and Care, Bengaluru

Justice and Care is tackling juvenile crime and organised trafficking in adolescent boys and girls across India, through better casework and investigations, bringing in systemic change and improving the capacity of the criminal justice system and working with the media.  

Kajla Janakalyan Samiti, 2 districts of West Bengal

Kajla Janakalyan Samity (KJKS) was established in 1955 with the vision of improving the lives of adolescent girls, education, child protection, women’s empowerment, youth development, sustainable agriculture, and micro-credit. The grant will support them in uplifting 3,500 adolescent girls with issues related to gender, sexuality, sexual and reproductive health, unsafe migration, and adolescent protection across 30 villages in 2 high-need districts of West Bengal.

Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT), Bengaluru

KHPT is ensuring that adolescent girls from Single-Mother, Adivasi and Below Poverty Line (BPL) households stay in schools, by creating safe spaces, organising Balika Panchayats, and training the girls’ families to become peer role models and change social norms in 40 villages of Koppal district in Karnataka.

Keystone Foundation, Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve - Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu

Keystone Foundation began in 1993 by working with the indigenous people in the mountainous and adjoining regions of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve to address the challenges of conservation, alternate livelihood opportunities, and enterprise development. The Philanthropy grant will allow them to strengthen land tenure for local people through the Forest Rights Act and develop appropriate land use practices for better food, health and nutrition among 3,100 households of indigenous communities across 104 villages.

KHOJ, 16 villages in Chikaldara block, Amravati district Maharashtra

Khoj was established in 1997 to work primarilty with communities of the Korku tribes and other Traditional Forest Dwellers of Melghat. They are a rights-based organisation helping people access their basic rights for development of  health, education, access to forests and other natural resources.Khoj has over the last decade  been able to create processes that today stand as demonstration models of community management of forests and income generation for forest tribes via its management . Our support eill help them  deepen the interventions they have initiated.

Kolkata Sanved, West Bengal and Maharashtra]

Kolkata Sanved was established in 2004 and works with survivors of trafficking, sexual abuse and other forms of violence. They use movement therapy as a means to mitigate and help the survivors heal their trauma and empower them to accept themselves, transforming them to become leaders of change. The Philanthropy's support is towards healing and empowerment of 270 such adolescent girl survivors.

Koshish (A field action project of TISS), Mumbai

Koshish is preventing 8,000 homeless/abandoned/destituteness in Bihar (Patna and 14 districts) and Delhi, from being charged as criminals under the Prevention of Begging Act, 1959, gets inmates released from Beggars’ Homes, and get them resettled in the community.  

Kovel Foundation, Visakhapatnam

Kovel Foundation is training 6,800 master farmers, integrating natural farming with tribal livelihoods, engaging tribals specialising in forest produce and building farmers’ institutions for marketing. The programme is also developing business plans that support market linkages. Across 5 districts of Andra Pradesh - Visakhapatnam, Chittoor, East Godavari, West Godavari and Kurnool.

Latika Roy Memorial Foundation, Dehradun

Latika Roy Memorial Foundation is based in Uttarakhand (Dehradun) and providing special education, training in daily living activities to boost functional independence in persons with disabilities and empowers their families through counselling and information services to aid their integration into the society.  

Living Farms, Bhubaneswar

Living Farms is providing 300,000 tribal households (including 78,000 children) in three blocks of Kalahandi district and five blocks of Rayagada in Odisha, access to balanced nutrition plans, and locally sourced grains/diets. So these families practice diversified farming and become capable of leading more enriched, better-nourished lives.  

Lok Swasthya SEWA Trust (LSST), Ahmedabad and Surat

LSST is strengthening Village Health, Nutrition and Sanitation Committees and providing women from marginalised communities with access and awareness to health and nutrition entitlements through SEWA Shakti Kendra (SSKs) where groups of Aagewaanfacilitate dialogues with local health care functionaries.  

Maarga, Ambedkar Nagar, Rajendra Nagar, Koramangala, Bangalore

Maarga was established in 1999 and has worked in the urban slums of Karnataka for the past 9 years to promote the education of children, especially first generation, from deprived dalit and Muslim families. The grant will help them expand their work from 40 to 80 girls enabling them to pursue higher education through daily after-school sessions, football coaching, social education workshops, art and craft workshops and exposure visits. It will also help make mothers more aware of the benefits of supporting the educational and professional growth of their daughters. 

Madhyam Foundation, Kandhamal district, Odisha

The Madhyam Foundation was founded in 2004  as a Development Support Organization(building capacity of smaller NGOs and Microfinance Institutions) by Mr. Subrat Singhdeo a Masters in Sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru University Madhyam’s  vision is “An Odisha where every low income family is livelihood secure and lives a dignified life” and major activities currently undertaken are:
Promotion of System of Rice Intensification, vegetable cultivation, pulses and millet cultivation, tuber crop and turmeric cultivation among small and marginal households
Goat rearing and Poultry for land less farmers
Promotion of  Vegetable growers co-operatives,
Promotion of simple cost effective gravity flow irrigation methods and  
APPI support is to carry out above activities in Khandamal district with 4000 small marginal Farmers.

Magic Bus (Magic Bus India Foundation), MUMBAI

Magic Bus is enabling a better future for adolescent girls by imparting life-skills through the Sports for Development Programme where children engage in numerous games and activities that are relatable to real-life challenges and situations. This participation enables them to cope better and facilitates a more natural and more capable transition to adulthood.

Magic Bus India Foundation, MUMBAI

Magic Bus is enabling a better future for adolescent girls by imparting life-skills through the Sports for Development Programme where children engage in numerous games and activities that are relatable to real-life challenges and situations. This participation enables them to cope better and facilitates a more natural and more capable transition to adulthood.

Maher, Pune

Maher - Sheltering 500 mentally ill and challenged destitute women and men, helping them lead a life of dignity away from abuse and vulnerability on the streets of Pune.

Mahila Samakhya, Uttar Pradesh, Lucknow

Mahila Samakhya is providing support to survivors of domestic violence by fortifying the presence of 150 Nari Adalats (women’s courts) in Uttar Pradesh, which is aimed at empowering women as well as spreading awareness on the issue at the community and grassroots level to change current attitudes and mindsets.

Maitri India, Delhi

Maitri India is restoring dignity, identity, and respect among the ageing, homeless, and destitute widows in Vrindavan through Project Jeevan, which facilitates awareness of citizenship rights, better health and nutrition, and improvement in mental wellbeing by giving them space to voice their stories.

Majlis Legal Centre, Mumbai

Majlis, with the help of lawyers and social activists, is providing socio-legal support to 1,000 survivors of domestic violence in Mumbai and ensures that they become aware of every aspect of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.  

Make a Difference (MAD), Bengaluru

MAD is providing mental, emotional, psychological support, mentorship, counselling and guidance at critical life stages, for 4,200 children living in 80 shelter homes across 23 cities, so that they become productive and useful members of the society.  

Mamta-Health Institute for Mother and Child, Delhi

Mamta-Health Institute for Mother and Child is making young girls and boys aware of their Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH), and nutrition needs through peer networks, by providing frontline health workers mobile phones, creating safe spaces for ARSH training and sensitising both parents and the community. In Allahabad, Banda and Varanasi districts of Uttar Pradesh.  

Manuvikasa, Karnataka

Manuvikasa has been active in Uttara Kannara district, specifically Sode block to improve economic condition of the agriculture dependent communities through sustainable use of water resources and adopt environment friendly agriculture in Uttara Kannara. Manuvikasa employs a wide variety of solutions which help in percolation of water in high altitude zones, desilting of lakes in planes and development of ponds and tanks in areas which are not services by existing surface water sources.

Mental Health Action Trust (MHAT), 5 districts of Kerala

Mental Health Action Trust (MHAT) Established in 2008 in Kozhikode, Kerala, they address the mental health care needs of particularly vulnerable rural populations in Kerala. The grant will support them to continue to deliver care to their 2000 patients and increase the depth of their care services.

Mobility India, Bengaluru

Mobility India is providing rehabilitation services to 600 children with disabilities and promote inclusive education through Therapy centres,  educational centres, reach out to 170 new children, provide disability assessment, assistive devices, therapy, individual health plans and education support.

Musahar Manch, Maharajganj, UP

Musahar Manch is a membership-driven CBO working with the economically and educationally disadvantaged Musahar community. They focus on identity issues, and promoting access to rights, health and education. The Philanthropy grant will allow them to invest in organisational and leadership capacity building, run programmes with the community onissues regarding land rights, health, women empowerment, and access to education. It will also help them pilot 2 enterprises focusing on goat micro-leasing, and tent house business.

Muskaan, Delhi

Muskaan began in 1982 in Delhi with a commitment to creating growth opportunities for persons with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They work towards improving training and employment, family support services, assisted living facilities, and awareness and rights-based advocacy. The grant will help Muskaan expand their daily activity centre in Ghaziabad to add 20 new trainees to the 10 existing ones and to establish a new centre in Gurugram with 20 trainees. These centres will impart vocational skills to persons with intellectual disabilities, enable them to work in a sheltered workshop, and seek employment in the Food & Beverage industry. The centres will also provide counselling for the families of all the trainees and engage them in awareness building exercises.  

Myrada Kaveri Pradeshika Samsthe, Mysore

Myrada Kaveri Pradeshika Samsthe is improving the productivity of dry land by developing and managing an ecologically and economically sustainable system through building capacities of elected GP women representatives.

Nai Shuruwat, Barwani

Nai Shuruwat is running a fellowship programme and promoting accountability to deliver an improved governance system. At present, the project is being implemented in Madhya Pradesh’s Barwani district.  

National Foundation for India (NFI), Delhi

NFI is bolstering urban governance through community-based water and sanitation management in 12 low-income peri-urban communities. NFI experts help mohalla committees construct, own and maintain water, sanitation and waste disposal facilities, through funds from the municipality. In Chhattisgarh (Bilaspur, Korba), Jharkhand (Giridih, Kodarma/Bokaro), Odisha (Banki, Berhampur, Bhubaneswar, Chowder, Cuttack, Dhenkanal, Nimapara, Paradip).  

National Law University, Delhi

NLU is advocating, reforming, strengthing legal aid capacity and providing high-quality legal representation to 1,500 undertrials in Nagpur and Pune (Maharashtra) through the Legal Aid system. The NGO is training and providing fellowships for Legal-Aid Lawyers and also doing advocacy at the Judiciary and Bar Council level.    

Naz Foundation, Delhi

Naz Foundation is empowering 15,000 adolescent girls from low income families in Delhi through the Young People’s Initiative (YPI) to make informed decisions about their future by teaching life lessons through netball sessions and life skills programmes. This is executed through Community Sports Coaches who are given training in facilitation skills, personality and professional development tactics, and leadership qualities.

NCDHR - National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights, Delhi

NCDHR is keeping tabs on atrocities against Dalits, demanding timely, fair trials enabling survivor assistance. It aids Dalit women to access justice using a web-based ICT tool-Atrocity Tracking and Monitoring (ATM) system. It is also setting-up Legal Resource Centres in Bihar, Haryana, Punjab, Odisha, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu.

Nirmana, Delhi

Nirmana works with construction and domestic workers in Delhi to improve their access to social security and prevent labour rights violations. Nirmana was instrumental in developing and successfully lobbying for the social security board model that is benefitting crores of informal sector workers. Our grant will enable them to wotk with over 2,000 workers for accessing social security schemes, legal aid and mediation in case of labour rights violations and rescue of bonded domestic workers.

North East Network (NEN), Assam

North East Network in 2 districts of Meghalaya and 3 districts of Assam is building-up the community response for survivors of domestic violence in conflict areas and providing direct support to 450 survivors by strengthening the eco-system, service delivery mechanisms and building organisational capacity.

North East Research and Social Work Networking, Assam and Meghalaya

The North East Research & Social Work Networking (NERSWN) was established in 2004 and have been involved in training adolescent girls and boys to be change makers who drive community level awareness around issues of child marriage, trafficking, child labour and child abuse by using affable means of communication such as forum theatre.  The grant will help expand their work in 150 villages with 6000 girls and boys.

OASIS India, Maharashtra - Mumbai, Nalasopara, Palghar District,

OASIS India started in 1993 with a focus on uplifting children and young girls from second generation prostitution and child trafficking at railway stations. The grant will support their work directly with 1065 adolescents aged between 12 and 18 years or under and encourage integrated community-based intervention to ensure that they are educated, protected, and empowered to make informed life choices.

Odisha Livelihood Mission (OLM), Odisha

Odisha Livelihood Mission is improving the nutritional status of women and children across Odisha through mainstreaming dietary diversity interventions by building capacity and establishing a nutrition vertical within Odisha Livelihood Mission.

Paani Foundation, Maharashtra

Paani Foundation is a not-for-profit company set up in 2016 with the aim of making Maharashtra drought free using the power of communication. Paani foundation launched the Satyamev Jayate Water Cup in 2016 in which villages compete to win the prize for the best managed local watershed in Maharashtra. The Water Cup is targeted at creating social unity, cohesion and prestige in villages through the common objective of winning the cup.

Parivarttan, Malkangiri

Parivarttan is bettering the lives of 5,000 Adivasi women and men farmers in the rainfed Malkangiri district of Odisha, by promoting community seed banks, community management of resources, and collaborating with community institutions and the Government to train Adivasis as entrepreneurs in fish rearing and millet processing.  

Partnering Hope Into Action (PHIA) Foundation, Ranchi

PHIA is enabling women, minorities, SC/STs, OBCs in three districts of Jharkhand, to access their rights and entitlements, strengthening their participation in Gram Panchayats, Gram Sabhas, Gaon Sabhas and village development.  

Partners for Urban Knowledge, Action and Research (PUKAR), MUMBAI

PUKAR is enabling tribal and marginalised communities to access e-governance services and raising awareness of their rights for improved social security in 17 villages of Palghar district, Maharashtra. The NGO is now extending their reach to 14 more villages where they are strengthening access to government schemes by training and equipping more youths or e-Sevaks with internet skills, and establishing special service kiosks.

People‘s Action for National Integration (PANI), Faizabad

PANI is empowering 10,000 adolescent Dalit girls in Tarun Block in Faizabad district of Uttar Pradesh by enabling greater access to better health, nutrition, and education, and the knowledge and means to counter social obstacles like discrimination so that they have a higher socioeconomic status in the future. PANI is now expanding their operations to all 97 gram panchayats of Tarun Block by adding resource centres allowing more girls and their families to be aware of their rights and benefits.

People’s Science Institute, Dehradun, Uttarakhand

The People's Science Institute was established in 1988 to work with small and marginal farmers in Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Bundelkhand regions, and educating them about natural resource management, watershed development, farm and off-farm livelihood opportunities, and ground water management. The Philanthropy grant will allow them to demonstrate agricultural and irrigation practices, strengthen livestock management practices, and create Village Level Institutions in small and marginal farmer communities across 40 villages.


PRADAN is increasing the incomes of 33,000 women farmers by 60% in three years through farm and non-farm livelihoods. The programme involves the development of women’s Self Help Groups, better participation in Gram Sabha meetings and Village Development, and linkages to banks and the Employment Guarantee Schemes.

Prayas (A field action project of TISS), Mumbai

Prayas is providing legal aid and livelihood options for 2,600 male undertrials so that they do not become hardened criminals. Also setting up the support services, recreation and care for 1,920 female prisoners and their children across the prisons in Maharashtra (Mumbai, Thane) and Gujarat (Bharuch).

Prayatn, Delhi

Prayatn was set up with the objective of empowering the marginalized by building their capacities through education and skill development, thereby enlarging the range of options available to them. It has been working in the areas of health, education, community based women development, and preventing domestic violence. Prayatn is seeking support to intensify their work in their Crisis Management Centre andthree existing Mahila Panchayats, and restart one Mahila Panchayat, with the aim to reduce the prevalence of gender based violence. They will achieve this by providing psycho social counselling support, and a three pronged approach of working with the individual, the community, and developing linkages with resource agencies for legal support, building knowledge and awareness, and access to support services around shelter homes and rehabilitation.

Preservation and Proliferation of Rural Resource and Nature (PRAN), Gaya

PRAN is enhancing the food security of 2,500 small and marginal women farmers of Nawada district, Bihar by promoting crop diversity through System of Rice Intensification (SRI) method, organising women farmers’ groups to adopt and share this, encouraging sharecropping, kitchen gardening and, making it viable for the landless to rear small ruminants.

Protsahan, Uttam Nagar, Delhi

Protsahan was started in 2010 with the aim of working against abuse of adolescent girls belonging to schedule castes/tribes and the migrant population in the slums of Hastal village in Delhi. They strive to break the intergenerational cycle of childhood abuse and poverty through holistic healing and access to education for victimised girls. The grant will enable enrollment, retention in schools and supplementary education for 180 girls along with creative arts-based therapy sessions. 

Public Health Resource Society (PHRS), Delhi

PHRS is setting up community-based crèches to care for children aged six months to three years, in the most vulnerable, malnutrition-prone Adivasi districts of Rayagada, Koraput, Kandhamal, Kalahandi and Bolangir in Odisha. The state government is to mainstream these model crèches within the ICDS Anganwadis.

Raah Foundation, Palghar, Maharashtra

Raah Foundation was set up in 2011 to address water security issues faced by the Adivasi settlements in Palghar District in Maharashtra. The grant will allow them to deepen their engagement with the community, enhance their knowledge of hydrogeology, and expand their efforts to ensure year-round access to water for drinking, domestic, and agriculture use for 26 Adivasi settlements across three gram panchayats.

Railway Children India, Delhi

Railway Children India and Station-level providers at 20 railway stations across India are catering to runaway children. The aim is standardised care and protection through open shelters, 24x7 outreach, de-addiction support, child help desks and reunification of children with families. The focus is also on building a financially sustainable organisation with staff capable of scaling up the work.  

Railway Children India, Tamilnadu

Railway Children India is reaching out to 4200 children as soon as they arrive on a railway platform & intervening before an abuser can victimize them. The programme features activation of child-protection schemes through drop-in Centres which is meeting-up immediate care & protection needs of children, providing family reunification or referral to the respective institutions and preventing unsafe out-migration of vulnerable children.

Rainbow Foundation India (RFI), Hyderabad

Rainbow Foundation India is ensuring a safe childhoods for vulnerable street children in Bangalore, Patna, Chennai, Lucknow, Ranchi, Kolkata, Delhi, and Hyderabad by providing long term comprehensive care including education, healthcare, nutrition, and protection by partnering with various government agencies and departments, and engaging with parents to make them aware of how to care for children. They are also conducting training sessions for staff, setting up advisory councils with external experts, and creating city level forums to improve access to children’s rights.

Rajarhat Prasari, Dooars Region, West Bengal

PRASARI was formed in 2007 to improve income, nutrition and water security through natural resources management for severely marginalised communities. Our support is towards providing sustainable drinking and domestic water security for 64 tribal hamlets in West Bengal.

Rajasthan Mahila Kalyan Mandal Sanstha (RMKMS), Ajmer

RMKMS is supporting 1650 people with disabilities in Ajmer by working on early identification by screening high-risk newborns, connecting them with relevant care services, and providing rehabilitation through home-based therapeutic and educational support. The NGO is also training peers and staff in schools, home-based caregivers and members of the community on the rights and special needs of persons with disability.

Rescue Foundation, Mumbai and Thane in Maharashtra

Rescue Foundation started in 2000 with a focus on providing comprehensive interventions for sexually exploited children, young girls and women. This includes intelligence gathering, investigations, prosecutions, identification of victims, rescue and recovery, repatriation and reintegration with the help of its own Government-licensed and co-funded safe houses across India. The Philanthropy grant will enable them to rescue 180 minor and adolescent girls from exploitation and trafficking, provide care and protection to 240 girls through 2 shelter homes and facilitate safe restoration to their families.

Rongmei Naga Baptist Association (RNBA), Imphal

RNBA is boosting the incomes and well-being of 2,300 small tribal farmers in Manipur (hill districts of Chandel and Tamenglong), a valley district of East Imphal – 15 tribal villages and five Meitei villages), through market linkages, ensuring land rights, crop diversity and integrated farming systems--System Rice Intensification (SRI) method and Khaichum traditional fish rearing in paddy fields, so as to boost yields as well.

Rongmein Baptist Association Nagaland, Nagaland

Rongmein Baptist Association Nagaland was founded in 1988. The People’s Integrated Development Services is the development wing of the organisation and works in 54 villages towards promoting safe, sustainable, and environment-friendly development activities for the upliftment of the marginalised rural poor. The grant will support their work with 250 small and marginal farmers in 8 villages by building more self-help groups, and strengthening integrated organic farming and livestock rearing practices.

Rural Women Upliftment Society, Churachandpur

RWUS is empowering women elected representatives in PRIs and Autonomous District Councils (ADCs), involving women in village development and ensuring their access to rights and services through women’s Sangathansparticipation in decision-making bodies and consultation with Government authorities.

Rythu Sadhikara Samstha (RySS), Gunturu

RySS is boosting the income and yields of 500,000 farm households across AP by cutting risks and cultivation costs through climate-resilient zero budget natural farming (CRZBNF). Farmers to turn into the Community Resource Persons, actively take up marketing, water and infrastructure management. A Technical Support Unit has also been embedded within RySS to extend CRZBNF within and outside the state.  

Safe in India, Manesar

Safe in India provides free assistance to workers, injured by power press accidents in auto sector units in Manesar, in their health-care and insurance claims from Employee State Insurance (ESI). Our support will help Safe in India to: - a) provide information on insurance and compensation claim process to 2,500 injured workers and hand hold 1,200 injured workers through the entire claims process resulting in cumulative compensation of INR 17 Cr; b) Reduce accidents in the auto sector through safety awareness programmes for workers and advocacy with factories to adopt better safety practices and c) Improve the the functioning & smoothening of processes at Employees State Insurance (ESI).

Sahayog, Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand

Sahayog started in 1992 by promoting women’s health and gender equality, and add on interventions for issues related to adolescent girls in 2005. The Philanthropy's support is towards enabling 2,500 vulnerable girls to build confidence, take charge of their lives , and realise their aspirations.

SAKHA, Bhubaneswar

SAKHA is leveraging the transgender network and using creative, communicative strategies to advocate better nutrition and health for lactating mothers and children under the age of two among tribal communities in Rayagada and Gunupur in Odisha.

Salaam Baalak Trust, Delhi

Salaam Baalak Trust is running four full-time residential homes, two open centres and three contact points to 600 street and working children in Delhi and the National Capital Region, where the focus is on care, protection and on discovering the hidden talents of the children. The trust also collaborates with Civil Society Organisations and the Government.  

Samaj Pragati Sahayog (SPS), Dewas

SPS is helping 10,000 small and marginal Adivasi farmers in Dewas and Khargone districts of Madhya Pradesh by aiding them in watershed treatment, livestock management, sustainable agriculture and, by promoting farmer producer organisations for market linkages as also women’s self-help groups for financial inclusion.  

Samaj Unnayan Kendra (SUK), South 24 Parganas

SUK is ensuring timely linkages to Government Schemes, providing the support system, early intervention services, home-based education, skill development and employment for 500 differently-abled children in the Sunderbans, West Bengal-Baruipur, Namkhana, Mousuni Islands and Mathurapur.  

Samerth Charitable Trust, Kutch, Gujarat

Samerth will work towards creating 40 water positive villages and hamlets in Rapar block of Kutch district of Gujarat by developing water bodies and leveraging government programmes. It proposes to implement water harvesting and recharge interventions as per water security plans in an estimate of 40* panchayats in Rapar. In the 40 panchayats Samerth will select unreached hamlets away from the main villages. This will provide a boost to agriculture as well as reduce distress migration. Samerth will also develop a cadre of para- geohydrologist (Jaldhoots) who reach out to the communities and increase the participation of the marginalized communities in village level planning. Samerth will also ensure long term sustainability by federating water user committees into Rapar Water Federation for collective action and bargaining.

Sampark, Bangalore

Sampark Established in 1991, Sampark works with rural women towards social and economic empowerment by building people’s institutions such as self-help groups and cooperatives and with urban construction migrant workers and their families to create awareness and to ensure that they can access their entitlements in health, education, financial inclusions, social protections and legal literacy. Our grant will support them to expand their work to 3000 new migrant workers.

Sanchaya Nele, 12 taluks of Davangere and Chitradurga district., Karnataka

Sanchaya Nele Started in 2002, Sanchaya Nele focuses on preventing atrocities against Dalit women and young girls across 25 districts in Karnataka by raising awareness around  laws - SC/ST Prevention of Atrocities Act, Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005; RTI Act 2005, preventing bonded labour and by conducting several rescue missions. The grant will help them continue their program with 200 Dalit women to empower them to fight against discrimination and atrocities, and ensure access to Rights, Entitlements and Justice by formation of 12 Karnataka Dalit Mahila Vedike Committees, training of women leaders and 2 Dalit advocates to fight cases of atrocities and discrimination..

Sangama, 6 districts of Karnataka - Hassan, Kolar, Bidar, Yadgir, Chikmagalore, Raichur

Sangama is a non-governmental organisation started in 2001 that works primarily with non-English speaking sexual minorities like lesbians, bisexuals, homosexuals, gays, transgenders, sex workers, and victims of HIV. Sangama improves access to health services, entitlements, and livelihood opportunities through community mobilisation, advocacy, and sensitisation programmes. This grant will allow Sangama to provide support to 1,500 transgender people by engaging in Community Organising, addressing the health needs of the community through Namma Clinics, and achieving economic and financial stability.

Sanlaap India-Speaking of the Unspoken, West Bengal

Sanlaap India is rehabilitating 150 adolescent girls who are victims of trafficking or commercial sexual exploitation, raising awareness among 400 community members and sensitizing duty bearers and law enforcement.

SATHI (Society for Assistance to Children in Difficult Situation), Bangalore

SATHI is rescuing runaway and separated children discovered at railway stations and providing de-addiction and rehabilitation support including access to welfare schemes, and family reunification services. The NGO is increasing its outreach to 8100 children at Pune, Katni, and Kanpur railway stations who will be weaned off substance abuse, restored to their families and given post-restoration support through organized camps.

Sathi- UP, 15 Gram Panchayats of Harringtonganj block, Ayodhya district, UP

Sathi was established in 2004 with a vision to achieve Gram Swaraj in which every villager realizes their potential, and contributes to the development of the village. The grant support will be towards empowering 225 marginalised rural women to access their rights for 2,000 households.

SATRA, Darrang, Assam

Social Action for Appropriate Transformation and Advancement in Rural Areas (SATRA) started in 2002 with the aim of working for integrated community development in Darrang district, Assam, one of the most impoverished districts in India. The grant will help in identifying persons with disabilities, enable them to access their rights, and expand the community mental health program to provide counselling for about 1,850 people.

Satya Special School, Puduchery

The Satya Special School started in 2003 to provide early intervention, education, and rehabilitation services for children and adults with disabilities. The School also provided need-based home management support services for their parents. Through the Philanthropy grant, they will provide their services to over 1,270 children and 150 adults with disabilities from low income families.

School for Democracy (SFD), Bhim

SFD is selecting and supporting 50 Grassroots Governance Fellows across India to work with local elected representatives and mobilise communities to access their rights and entitlements through training in using the Right to Information (RTI) Act, social audits, digital platforms, resource centres as well as, peer-to-peer learning and mentoring.  

Sense International India, Ahmedabad

Sense International India is working for the deaf-blind by bolstering the capacity of nine partner organisations, running five early screening and referral centres at eminent hospitals and training special educators under the Sarva Siksha Abhiyaan. In Andhra Pradesh (Kakinada, Rayalseema districts); Karnataka (Bengaluru); Kerala (Kottayam, Wayanad); Tamil Nadu (Chennai, Kanyakumari, Trichy); Telangana (Khammam).  

Seven Sisters Development Assistance (SeSTA), Bongagigaon

SeSTA is empowering women and small farmers to increase the household income, improve food security, and strengthen farmer collectives. They are aiming to increase their reach to 17 districts in Assam, Tripura, and Meghalaya and to 1.13 lakh households by engaging with state governments, village organisations, and farmer producer organisations, which can benefit individual families by strengthening communities.

Shaheen Women Resource & Welfare Association, Hyderabad

Shaheen is socially and economically empowering 750 adolescent girls from Muslim, Dalit, and Other Backward Castes (OBC) communities by organizing awareness programmes and workshops that teach them life and livelihood-enhancing skills thereby ensuring that they have stronger control over their futures. The NGO is also enabling higher access to health care centres along with instilling and encouraging freedom of choice.

Shakti Shalini, Delhi

Shakti Shalini - was set up in 1987, with aim to promote gender equality, support survivors of gender/violence and contribute to gender sensitisaiton and awareness.  It is a small organisation that works on four main areas, namely – a. Response to Violence (includes socio-legal, counselling assistance and shelter support to survivors ) ; b. Prevention of Violence (includes rigourous outreach, awareness and sensitisation with marginalised communities) ; c. Educational Enhancement (includes ideological mentoring training to interns, volunteers on topics such as consent, violence, equality) ; and d. Darmiyan – an online literature platform.The aim of the proposal is to conduct community outreach work in five urban poor communities of South East Delhi (Nehru Block 7& 10, Jal Vihar, Ghoda Basti and Shri Niwas Puri) to prevent, mitigate and respond to gender and sexual violence in the community. The program prioritises on multi-pronged, direct outreach to community resident to facilitate greater sensitisation, awareness, problem-solving and mobilisation of grassroot leaders, in order to bring about foundational ideological, cultural and discursive change towards gender equality.  

She Hope Centre for Disability, Jammu & Kashmir

The Hope Centre Kashmir started in 2001 they work towards providing assistance to persons including children with disabilities to live independently and with dignity through community based and institution based rehabilitation services in 8 districts of Jammu & Kashmir. The grant will support their work to increase quality of life through home based rehabilitation for 1350 persons, including children with disabilities along with enhancing mobility through provision of assistive devices. Geography: Ganderbal & Kupwara districts of Kashmir.

Shikshasandhan, Bhubaneswar

Shikshasandhan is improving awareness about nutrition in villages in Odisha through home visits and counselling. In addition to organising platforms like Village Health and Nutrition Days, the NGO recruits and trains volunteers who make house visits to spread knowledge on nutrition and diet through their pilot programme named “Nutrition Didi” with the aim of enhancing the nutrition of tribal women and children.

Shishu Sarothi Centre for Rehabilitation & Training for Multiple Disability, Guwahati

Shishu Sarothi Centre for Rehabilitation & Training for Multiple Disability is aiding 420 children with disabilities to get ready for school, and providing life/livelihood skills to 160 students in Assam (Guwahati). It is also working with schools, teachers, and the industry so that these children become functional members of society.

Sir Syed Trust, Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh

Sir Syed Trust was established in 2008 in Alwar, Sir Syed Trust aims to collectivise women into 250 functional village level Self Help Groups, across 3000 households in Rudauli block of Ayodhya district along with enhancing productivity of farm based livelihoods to increase household income by 120 days of daily wages which is INR 21,000. Sir Syed Trust intends to make the programme sustainable by collaborating with State Rural Livelihood Mission, encouraging micro enterprises and, setting up one Farmer Producer Organisation..

SNEHA (Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action), Mumbai

SNEHA (Society for Nutrition, Education and Health Action) is providing psychosocial and mental health support, crisis intervention services, legal aid, referrals for medical and home visits to 1,500 survivors of domestic violence in Dharavi, Govandi, Worli and Santa Cruz in Mumbai. Also raises awareness within the community.

Society for Integrated Community Development (SNEHA), Gangavati block of Koppal district, Karnataka

SNEHA, Bellary was established in 2013 and have been involved in working with children, adolescent girls and women from devadasi and Dalit communities. The grant will expand their programme to 40 villages reaching 1250 adolescent girls and 2000 women from the devadasi community.

Society for Promotion of Youth and Masses (SPYM), New Delhi

SPYM is rescuing and rehabilitating at least 6000 children and youth in Delhi, and NCR addicted to drugs through de-addiction services, educational support, and by sheltering them in halfway houses with separate sections for boys and girls. The NGO monitors them for withdrawal symptoms and relapses and assists them for reintegration into society.

Society for Rural and Urban Joint Activities, Nagpur, Maharashtra

Society for Rural and Urban Joint Activities, Nagpur Established in 1998, SRUJAN is a Yavatmal-based NGO working with Particularly Vulnerable Tribal Groups (PVTGS) – Kolams in Yavalmal district and Madias in Gadchiroli district of Maharashtra. Their work includes Community based health interventions, Forest rights and responsible governance, Livelihoods through sustainable farming and non-timber forest produce and Education. Our grant will help assist communities  in better management of community forests, preparation of Habitat Rights claim for Bhamragarh - in consultation with 108 Gram Sabhas and all the traditional leaders, improving health and nutrition for women and children. Geography: 12 villages of Bhamragarh taluka in Gadchiroli district of Maharashta.

Sopan, Maharashtra

Sopan - Early Intervention for children on the autism spectrum, who are from resource-poor families and residing in the suburbs of Mumbai to provide children with autism therapeutic, educational and vocational services and counselling for their parents; and run household surveys in urban slums of Mumbai to identify new cases of autism and connect the children (and families) to the centre.

SOPPECOM, Maharashtra

The Society for Promoting Participative Ecosystem Management (SOPPECOM) was established in 1991, SOPPECOM is a Pune-based NGO working on natural resource management, particularly water. Our grant will support them to establish 18 Water User Associations for 48 villages, which will ensure water entitlements to all households and also manage water resources in an intergrated, equitable, participatory and efficient manner. Geography: Atpadi taluka, Sangli district, Maharashtra.

SPAN - Society for Peoples' Awareness, Jalpaiguri

SPAN-Society for Peoples' Awareness is creating youth groups and Child Potection Committees to prevent distress migration and to safeguard the rights of 500 adolescent girls from the tea gardens of Jalpaiguri district, West Bengal.

Sparsha Trust, Urban and rural districts of Bangalore

Sparsha Trust was set up in 2005 with a vision to free children from exploitation, and provide access to opportunities that ensure their comprehensive development. The Philanthropy's support will provide rescue services for 655 children and food, clothing, shelter, health care and recreational facilities for 135 children through long-term residential homes.

Sparsha Trust, Bangalore

The Sparsha Trust was set up in 2005 to provide a safe home for children in need of care. It gave access to food and clothing, and equipped them with skills to help develop their confidence. Since 2011, Sparsha Trust has been running 1 shelter for the homeless in Bangalore with the space allotted by the Bangalore City Corporation. Through the grant, the Sparsha Trust will support 5 out the 7 existing shelters that have been set up at the cost of approximately Rs 6 lakhs per shelter, provided by the government. As the lead NGO, the funds will be managed by the Sparsha Trust, which will distribute it equally to the 3 shelter NGOs, namely Sparsha Trust-1, CURDS-2 and ICDSS-2, and oversee their effective functioning with Dream India Network.

Spastic Society of Karnataka (SSK), Bangalore, Karnataka

The Spastic Society of Karnataka (SSK) began operations in 1982 by providing comprehensive rehabilitation services for children with neuromuscular and developmental disabilities. The Philanthropy grant will allow them to provide comprehensive rehabilitation services to 580 such children.

Spastics Society of Karnataka (SSK), Bengaluru

SSK is supporting Centre for Special Education, a day school in Bengaluru for 300 children and young adults with disabilities. The school has a strong volunteer base as also, a good teacher-student ratio.

SPREAD - Society for Promoting Rural Education and Development, Koraput

SPREAD is delivering better nutrition to 3.5 lakh Adivasi households, benefiting 2 lakh children in Anganwadis, through social audits and a more responsive Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS) system. Across 24 blocks and 240 Gram Panchayats of Bolangir, Kalahandi, Koraput, Malkangiri, Nabarangpur and Nuapada districts of Odisha.

SRIJAN - Self-Reliant Initiatives through Joint Action, Delhi

SRIJAN is working with small and marginal farmers among the rural poor in order to overcome their vulnerability. It is doing so by building-up community institutions, raising annual incomes of farmers by Rs 50,000 and creating sustainable replicable livelihoods cluster models.

SRUTI - Society for Rural Urban and Tribal Initiative, Delhi

SRUTI is facilitating the building of youth leadership through rigorous training programmes and modules that look at needs-assessments, socio-cultural and economic perspectives in Madhya Pradesh.

SRUTI - Society for Rural, Urban and Tribal Initiative, Delhi

SRUTI is supporting six Fellows working with Panchayati Raj Institutions and sangathans to boost Gram Panchayat and Gram Sabhas. Its models seek to energise the community to realise their rights and entitlements. They work to strengthen Panchayati Raj Institutions in selected districts of Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand.


SUPPORT is offering long-term rehabilitation-education, detoxification programmes, residential, nutritional, medical and psychiatric care to 150 street children in Mumbai who have been substance abusers. It gives them the opportunity to grow into healthy adults.  

Swadhikar - National Campaign for Dalit Human Rights (NCDHR), Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh & Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Telangana, Maharashtra & Odisha

Swadhikar was founded in 1998 and is a coalition of over 300 Dalit and Adivasi NGOs, Community Based Organisations (CBOs), academics and activists working across 16 states. They focus on improving access to justice, economic rights, women’s rights and global Dalit rights. The grant will support them with their justice programme, to promote better implementation of the Prevention of Atrocities Act, and provide legal and psycho-social support to survivors of caste-based atrocities and police violence. Additionally, the grant will also support their Economic Rights programme that manages budgetary allocation and expenditure under the Special Component and Tribal Sub Plans for Dalits and Adivasis.

Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM), Saragur

SVYM is uplifting the lives of 30,000 people with disabilities through comprehensive care, support and rehabilitation services. They are encouraging self-reliance by providing medical aid and vocational training and driving community development through home visits and residential camps.

SWATI - Society for Women's Action and Training Initiatives, Ahmedabad

SWATI is arranging counselling, health, and legal services to survivors of domestic violence in Gujarat by training healthcare providers for early detection and prevention of incidents of violence. The NGO is developing standard operating procedures and training modules, and conducting hospital studies for informed intervention.

Swayam, Kolkata

Swayam is reducing gender-based domestic violence by mobilising boys and men. It conducts public awareness campaigns and trains boys and men to respond and prevent domestic violence, in Kolkata and 24 Parganas, West Bengal.

Swayam, Kolkata

Swayam started in 1995 as a feminist organisation committed to advancing women's rights and ending inequality and violence against women and children. The grant will help them to provide counselling and legal support to 1,746 survivors of violence and their families opening up more access to their rights. This will enable them to take control of their lives and move forward with dignity and self-confidence.

Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP), Pune

Swayam Shikshan Prayog is empowering 8,000 women farmers in Maharashtra through resilient farming systems. It is also strengthening and mainstreaming the Sakhi Food Security Agriculture Model. It identifies and trains women as Community Resource Persons so that they can mobilise women farmers, and ensure their access to benefits and government agricultural schemes.  

Tharuni, Sangram Mandal, Warangal

Tharuni began in 2000 with the aim of empowering adolescent girls. So far, they have successfully conducted several campaigns against marriage, labour and trafficking among children. The grant will allow the expansion of the existing model to include 750 girls and enable them to improve their academic performances and become change agents. The grant will also conduct gender sensitisation exercises for boys.

The Aangan trust, Mumbai

The Aangan Trust is protecting adolescent girls in Varanasi and Bhubaneshwar from hazardous work, child marriage, and other forms of exploitation or abuse by creating Community Safety Groups that increases their awareness on their rights, child protection laws, and individual safety. They are now expanding their outreach in Varanasi, and to Patna to reach 23,000 adolescent girls. They are leveraging the alumni network, and engaging with government agencies for stronger responses.

The ANT - The Action NorthEast Trust, Bongaigaon

The ANT-The Action NorthEast Trust is working on domestic violence in Assam’s Chirang district by providing counselling, shelter, livelihoods and legal advice for survivors. It is doing so by enabling women’s groups and the community to better deal with the issue and work towards implementation of the relevant legal provisions.

The Association of People with Disability (APD), Bengaluru

APD is enhancing the ecosystem for persons with disabilities across six districts, mainly in the rural areas of North Karnataka. As a resource organisation, it is partnering with six organisations including NGOs and Community-Based Organisations to build their capabilities for outreach and community-based rehabilitation.

The Banyan, Chennai

The Banyan is providing mental health care, treatment, rehabilitation, employment including vocational skill training for 5,160 poor and homeless people with psycho-social disabilities, in Chennai and Kanchipuram district, Tamil Nadu.

The Chingari Trust, Bhopal

The Chingari Trust is providing rehabilitation services to 100 children with psychological and physical disabilities due to the Bhopal gas tragedy. The NGO is partnering with skilled doctors and therapists to offer different kinds of therapies and is training the mothers of the affected children to administer some of the therapeutic techniques at home as well.

Tomorrow's Foundation Kolkata, Slums of Kolkata - Dhapa, Auddy Bagan and Ward 80

Tomorow's Foundation was established in 1997, they work primarily with children and youth in the field of Education, Child protection, Disabilities, Skills and livelihood in West Bengal, Chhattisgarh, Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Chennai. The grant will help them to continue working with 1200 children on education, vocational skills, adolescent empowerment through 2 existing centres and set up one new centre within high risk communities.

Transform Rural India Foundation (TRIF), Delhi

Transform Rural India Foundation is strengthening women’s collectives and enable Adivasis, Dalits, women in Barwani district, Madhya Pradesh to be active in local self-governance and overall village development through a partnership with 4 NGO partners (ASA, CHETNA, Eklavya, Samarthan). It is working to make Panchayati Raj Institutions more transparent and accountable.  

Ummeed, Mumbai

Ummeed is delivering direct clinical services to 450 children with developmental disabilities hailing from poor families in Maharashtra and Gujarat. It conducts workshops for parents, other stakeholders so that they are more sensitised, better trained, and are able to carry out early detection and management of such disabilities.

United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Delhi

UNFPA is tracking and profiling the health and nutrition of 120,000 in-school adolescent girls and 80,000 boys in tribal residential schools. It gives them training in life skills and peer leadership. It is initially working with the Department of Scheduled Tribes and Scheduled Castes Development in five districts of Odisha.

Utthan, Ahmedabad

Utthan is improving agricultural practices enabling 5000 small and marginal women farmers, especially landless and single women, to increase their annual household income across tribal and coastal areas like Panchmahal, Mahisagar, Dahod, and Bhavnagar in Gujarat. They are achieving this through demonstration sessions on plots of land, scheduling exposure visits, imparting training to master farmers, and through regular soil and water tests.

Vaagdhara, Banswara

Vaagdhara is empowering 2000 small and marginal farmers in Rajasthan, Gujarat, and Madhya Pradesh by spreading sustainable integrated farming systems that increase their earnings by 50%. Through live demonstrations, smart knowledge transfers, and access to government flagship programmes farmers are also experiencing stronger community development and leading better lives.

VAANI, Deaf Childrens' Foundation, Bengaluru

Vaani is providing 100 deaf children and their families in Tumakuru district, Karnataka, with specialised services-educational, health, nutritional and skills development. It also focuses on capacity building and networking with stakeholders. 

Vacha, Mumbai

Vacha started in 1987 as a resource centre for women. It runs resource centers focusing on interventions on women and girl-related issues in 14 slums. The Philanthropy's support is towards helping 660 girls access Girls’ Resource Centres and to prevent dropouts and bring them into mainstream education.

Vasantham Matru Thiranaligal Koottamaippu Sangam, Chennai

Vasantham is teaching persons with disabilities of all ages to be self-sustainable and support oneself through vocational and craftsmanship training. These income-generating activities include weaving, goat rearing, painting, and candle-making among others.

Vasundhara, Bhubaneswar

Vasundhara is working with Adivasis and forest-dependent communities in 100 villages across Odisha to make them aware of their rights to natural resources under the Forest Rights Act 2006, acquire land tenure and attain ecological security. It is also helping Adivasi women’s co-operatives market forest produce.

Video Volunteers, Bardez

Video Volunteers is training 25 community mobilisers in Bihar to produce videos highlighting local issues and to mobilise the community to seek their rights and entitlements.

Vidharbha Nature Conservation Society, Maharashtra

The Vidharbha Nature Conservation Society (VNCS) was established in 1986, VNCS is a Nagpur-based NGO working with Adivasis in Vidarbha, on community access and control to natural resources, exercise of rights provided under the Forest Rights Act, PESA, Biodiversity Act. The grant will help them in strengthening capacity of village institutions to manage forest resources in 10 villages; preparation of Biodiversity Management Plans and CFR Management Plans in 10 villages and facilitating implementation of village plans through convergence, by submission and approval of plans by line departments, mobilisation of funds from schemes.

Vidya Sagar, Chennai

Vidya Sagar is providing early intervention services to 550 children with disabilities in Tamil Nadu, by training 1,250 families in care and therapy. It is also extending community rehabilitation programmes to rural areas of Madurai, and slums in Chennai.

Vikasa Jilla Nava Nirmana Samithi, Visakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh

Visakha Jilla Nava Nirmana Samithi proposes to work in 37 Tribal villages in the hilly regions of Eastern Ghats in Visakhapatnam district of Andhra Pradesh. The region receives an average rainfall of 1200-1600 mm and is abundant with many springs that are largely untapped and potential sources to address the prevalent challenges around safe & sustained drinking water for the communities.

Vimochana, Bengaluru

Vimochana is running crisis intervention services, safe spaces for survivors, campaigns on dowry deaths and offering quality services to burns victims and is empowering 2,800 women to reject violence individually and collectively in Bengaluru city, and surrounding rural areas.

Vimochana-A Forum for Women’s Rights, Bengaluru

Vimochana is working in Anekal, Kolar and Mandya of Bengaluru on empowering 2,800 women to reject violence individually & collectively within their families & society through Crisis Intervention Services – safe space for survivors, quality services to burned victims and campaign on dowry murders.

Voice 4 Girls, Telangana

VOICE 4 Girls began in 2010 by enabling marginalised adolescent girls in government and low-cost schools in India to be more aware of their identities, capabilities, and futures through activity-based camps in the flagship programme known as 'Her VOICE’. The grant will help them reach out to 3,000 children (2,000 adolescent girls and 1,000 boys) directly and 5,000 girls through the 'Her VOICE’ program. The girls will learn to negotiate difficult situations, understand the importance of higher education, and learn to refuse an early marriage. Around one-fourth of them will be trained to be peer leaders while classes will be conducted for boys to learn the importance of girls in society and at home.

Vrutti, Bengaluru

Vrutti is promoting farmers as entrepreneurs and farming as an enterprise to boost livelihood security among 12,500 farmers in Chhattisgarh, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh and Telangana. It also provides farm inputs, marketing support, access to entitlements, insurance and income diversification.

WASSAN - Watershed Support Services and Activities Network, Hyderabad

WASSAN is improving the livelihoods of 6,400 small and marginal Adivasi farmers across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana by promoting crop diversity, demonstrating drought-resistant, sustainable agricultural practices; evolving policies for rainfed agriculture in dry areas. It is enabling farmers' co-operatives to run Business Information Centres to share knowledge and innovative scale-up methods with the State Governments and other partners.

WASSAN - Watershed Support Services and Activities Network, Hyderabad

WASSAN is helping small and marginal farmers across Andhra Pradesh through adaption to climate variability through the adoption of integrated farming systems to bolster the practice of climate resilient zero budget natural farming (CRZBNF). It will leverage resources from and mainstream integrated farming systems within government departmental programmes. 

Youth Council Development Alternatives, Boudh district of Odisha

The Youth Council for Development Alternatives (YCDA) was set up in 1993 and have been involved in promoting adolescent and child care through community-based efforts, building youth capacity, and implementing programmes to prevent food insecurity, migration, and child abandonment. They also work towards improving mental health within a community through health screenings and counselling. The grant aims to empower 10,000 adolescents between 11 and 19 years through a structured life skill-based Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) curriculum focused on issues related to sexual and reproductive health and hygiene. Covering 100 upper primary and high schools, and 300 peripheral schools, it aims to create a supportive environment enabling adolescents to take positive decisions regarding their health and sexuality.

Youth for Social Development, Ganjam Dist, Odisha

Youth for Social Development (YDS) was set up in 2006 to address accountability, rights, empowerment and basic services of youth in 6 districts of Southern Odisha. They focus on promoting good governance and citizen participation that have direct impact on poor and vulnerable communities. The philanthropy grant will empower people by making them aware of their rights, and train them to seek and create monitoring mechanisms of public services.