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We are aware of various potential scams fraudulently claiming themselves to be associated with Azim Premji Foundation, Azim Premji University, Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives (collectively referred as “Foundation”) or with any of our office bearers and Founders.

The Foundation is aware of numerous forms of fraudulent correspondence including: web, email, postal mail, fax, and telephone, all claiming to be from, or associated with the Foundation or with any of its officer bearers and Founders. These emails or other correspondence include the Foundation logo, photos, links, names of senior officials or other information taken directly from Foundation’s official web site and containing a request for money or sensitive personal information

Examples of such activity include:

  • Falsely requesting donations on behalf of the Foundation
  • Falsely claiming that the Foundation has awarded a grant to the recipient, but that the grant can only be awarded once a fee is paid or certain sensitive personal information is provided
  • Falsely soliciting individuals for funding to invest in Foundation projects

Please be advised that the Foundation or Foundation employees, grantees, or partner organizations do not:

  • Approach individuals in person offering grant opportunities
  • Charge any sort of administrative, membership, handling or other fee when awarding a grant
  • Offer prizes of any kind through email, postal mail, telephone, fax, or in person
  • Request registration fees for conferences or summits
  • Solicit individuals or others for investment opportunities
  • Solicit donations at any time
  • Request information about bank accounts or other private information

If you are the recipient of any such correspondence or are contacted by such scamsters or become aware of such scams issued from unauthorised email ids and domain names, please email This alerts the Foundation of the potential scam and enables it to take appropriate action as deemed fit. We also advise you to refrain from responding to any e-mail received from any unauthorized mail ids or from any person claiming to be an authorized representative of Foundation without verifying the veracity of the same.

Foundation assumes no liability for damages caused through unlawful or fraudulent usage of the Foundation’s name.